Central America: 200 years of failed modernity


  • Erick Iván de León de León Centro Universitario de San Marcos




bicentenario, Centroamérica, liberales, conservadores, criollos, formación de las repúblicas, modernidad


The year 2021 means a controversial date for Central Americans. There are those who celebrate 200 years of independence. It is the vision of those Creoles who control political, religious, cultural and economic power. For them, the date of 200 years is celebrated by magnifying the past, justifying history, adopting as a fatum the fait accompli of the current asymmetries of our countries and the ties created by hegemony. There are others who denounce that the 200 years revives a nightmare. Along these lines, they underline the validity of a logic of international subordination and dependence, established after the Spanish invasion, and emphasize the ties of the Church with the hegemonic powers in the different stages of Central American history. This article tries to clear up those essential points of the debate on the commemoration of the 200 years of the Independence of Central America. This text does not pretend to be more than a contribution to the study of the complex and contradictory reality of the countries of the region. The article studies the contributions of Armando Villatoro in his text "Guatemala, State and Counterinsurgency", going through the propositions of Severo Martínez in his essay "La Patria del Criollo", up to the analysis of Matilde González on the "Colonial Crisis and formation of the Central American republics”, in addition to the reflections proposed by Daniel Camacho in his work “Unity and separatism in Central America”, among others. Finally, some ideas about modernity in Central America are outlined.


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Author Biography

Erick Iván de León de León, Centro Universitario de San Marcos

He is a Guatemalan political scientist and sociologist. Coordinator of the Political Science, Sociology and International Relations careers at the University Center of San Marcos. Researcher at the Research Institute of this same university. Visiting professor FLACSO academic headquarters Guatemala. He has published numerous investigations in the field of his specialty in national and international indexed journals.


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Echeverría, B. (2010). América Latina: 200 años de fatalidad, CEPA, Bogotá, no. 11, año V, vol. 2.

González-Izás, M. (2016). Crisis colonial y formación de las Repúblicas Centroamericanas. Escuela de Historia de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Guatemala.

Hardt, M. & Negri A. (2002) Imperio. (T. Alcira Bixio). Buenos Aires, Paidós.

Hernández, A. (1994). La integración de Centroamérica desde la Federación hasta nuestros días, San José, Costa Rica, Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones.

Marx y Engels (1994/1893). El manifiesto del Partido Comunista. México, Ediciones Quinto Sol, s/t.

Martínez Peláez, S. (1973). La patria del criollo. San José, Editorial Universitaria.

Morales, M. R. (2019). el Periódico de Guatemala. Guatemala, C. A.

Ortiz Arellano, E. (2012). Globalización y escatología del capitalismo en la era de la resistencia. Academia de Estudios Políticos y Económicos A. C. México, D. F.

Pastor, R. (1988). Historia de Centroamérica. Editorial Piedra Santa, Guatemala.

Pineda, R. (2010). Las luchas populares del siglo XIX en El Salvador, San Salvador, Universidad de El Salvador.

Recinos Aquino, I. (2013) De la patria del criollo a la nación de las élites. FLACSO-Sede académica Guatemala.

Wallerstein, I. (2006). El capitalismo histórico. (Pilar López). México, Siglo XXI Editores.



How to Cite

de León de León, E. I. (2021). Central America: 200 years of failed modernity. Revista De Investigación Proyección Científica, 3(1), 223–242. https://doi.org/10.56785/ripc.v3i1.62

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