Reunion with the complexity of the universe


  • Erick Iván de León de León



diversity, culture, life, ecology, uncertainty


Regarding the coincidences and relationships identified between ancient cultures and the contemporary theory of complexity, this article aims to generate cultural and communication reunions in order to fertilize unprecedented educational and research processes. To this effect, central aspects of the Mayan worldview are discussed as an understanding of the universe in the image of indivisible unity. In this sense, mythology, tradition, nature, universe, spirituality, culture, education are related in order to contribute to the emergence of contextual knowledge, nurturing sensitivities to be educated in the culture of the other. In this sense, embracing the diversity of life, concordances between the theory of complexity and the Mayan worldview are estimated in times when the civilization of having forges the traps of languages, the frauds of marketing, of greed, of ambitions, wars, ecological destruction, being necessary to encourage new visions of society and unprecedented mental experiences.
In this work, evoking the intense rhizome of reflection of the Mayan ancestors, we aspire to present an encounter, sober and simple, with the intimate life of the poetic spirit of their worldview. It is about the approach to a swing of immense aesthetic value, whose amplitude cultivates complexity, uncertainty, unpredictability and indeterminacy, in order to contribute to feel the palpitation of life.


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Author Biography

Erick Iván de León de León

He is Guatemalan, of Maya-Kíché nationality, was born in Quetzaltenango, has a degree in Legal and Social Sciences, a Master's in Public Administration, a Doctorate in Education, and a Latin American Essay Award in Caracas, Venezuela, with the work "We Are Alive." He has published numerous articles and interviews in newspapers and magazines in Europe and Latin America on Mayan culture and mysticism. His work has been collected in multiple anthologies.


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Capra, Fritjot. Pertenecer al Universo. Encuentros entre Ciencia y Espiritualidad. Editorial Nuevos Temas. España. 1994.

Coe, D. Michael. El Desciframiento de los Glifos Mayas. Fondo de Cultura Económica. Marzo de 1995. México.D.F.

De la Garza, Mercedes. El Hombre en el Pensamiento Náhuatl y Maya. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Centro de Estudios Mayas cuaderno 14. Dirección General de Publicaciones. Primera reimpresión México 1990.

Eliade, Mircea. Nacimiento y Renacimiento. El significado de la iniciación en la cultura humana. Editorial Kairós. Primera Edición. Febrero 2001. Barcelona.

D’Orval, Jean Baourchart. La Plenitud del Vacío. Colecciones Transformaciones. Edicomunicación S. A. Barcelona. 1991.

Guitton, Jean. Nuevo Arte de Pensar. Ediciones Paulinas. Sexta Edición. Bogotá, Colombia.1987.

Matul Morales, Daniel. Somos Un Solo Corazón. Editorial La Jornada. San José Costa Rica. 1994.

Matul Morales, Daniel. El Poema Galáctico. Cuenta del Tiempo Cultural Maya. Editorial Cultura. Ministerio de Cultura Guatemala. Primera Edición. Guatemala 2012.

Matul Morales. Daniel. La Cosmovisión Maya. Amanuense Editorial. Nueva Guatemala de La Asunción. 2007.

Peat David F. Sincronicidad. Puente entre Mente y Materia. Cuarta Edición, noviembre de 2003. Editorial Kairós. Barcelona.

Pániker, Salvador. Aproximación al origen. Editorial Kairós. Quinta Edición 1989. Barcelona.

Wilber Ken. La Conciencia sin Fronteras. Editorial Trokel. 1990. Argentina.



How to Cite

de León de León, E. I. (2020). Reunion with the complexity of the universe. Revista De Investigación Proyección Científica, 2(1), 127–140.

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