Possible responses of the coastal wetland of Mandinga, Mexico, to some pressures from Global Climate Change


  • Erick Iván de León de León Universidad Autónoma de México




coastal lagoon, climate change, mangrove, urbanization, environmental services


This review points out the effects of Global Climate Change (CCG) and which of them could harm the Mandinga Coastal Lagoon System (SLCM), Mexico. Mandinga is surrounded by mangrove forest, and the importance of this forest is highlighted for the environmental services it provides to the population, including non-fishermen. The CCG brings effects that are manifested differently at different latitudes, genesis and physiographies of the coastal lagoons. Based on published information, the environmental variables and the current status of the SLCM are described. From the effects of the CCG and the variables observed in the SLCM, it is noted that there are some effects of global warming that can affect the system; the most obvious is the rise in sea level, which adds to the subsidence of the land due to compaction. The modification of the hydrological regime and sedimentation probably affect the quality of the water and the mangrove forest. However, it was observed that the nature of the risk to the coastal system is related to human activity; pollution is significant, aggressive mangrove felling and accelerated land use change (preferably to urban and commercial land). Around Mandinga is the aggravating factor of population growth, which contaminates the area's source of wealth, oyster production, in addition to other contaminants not associated with population density. It is difficult to discern the effects of global climate change from those caused by human development.


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Author Biography

Erick Iván de León de León, Universidad Autónoma de México

Oceanologist from the Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico. Doctorate in Marine Sciences from the Institute of Marine Sciences and Limnology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Professional experience: 1987-1999 Gulf Oceanographic Institute, Secretary of the Navy, Mexico. 1999 to date: Full Professor at the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM), Xocimilco unit. Current project: Hydrodynamic, chemical and biological considerations for the evaluation of the resilience of the Mandinga Coastal Lagoon System. Publications in national and foreign magazines. Distinctions: a) "Gabino Barreda" Medal for University Merit for master's studies, UNAM, b) Annual Research Award, UAM, 2006.


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How to Cite

de León de León, E. I. (2020). Possible responses of the coastal wetland of Mandinga, Mexico, to some pressures from Global Climate Change. Revista De Investigación Proyección Científica, 2(1), 35–45. https://doi.org/10.56785/ripc.v2i1.44

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