Seven Theses on Capitalism and the Coronavirus: A View from Guatemala


  • Erick Iván de León de León Centro Universitario de San Marcos



depression, education, democracy, rule of law, culture


Capitalism in Guatemala is marked by the absence of democratization of capital, hence, since its inception, it has been characterized by developing processes of social exclusion that characterize the majority of the population, which is why a less exclusive capitalism has not been developed. and economically competitive. The following article is an approach to the Guatemalan national reality, especially capitalism and the coronavirus. In this sense, it joins other efforts that are being made in Latin America and Guatemala in particular, at least. One of the ideas is that the health crisis that our country is going through is explained by not having a strengthened public health system. Another of the key ideas is that capitalism shows a tendency towards the disappearance of human work, due to the growing development of artificial intelligence. In this article we intend to analyze some categories of capitalism and the coronavirus that also affects Guatemala and venture to propose some theses. In addition, the need to use the dialectical method is proposed as the best tool to explain how the outbreak of the pandemic has exposed the harsh reality of underdevelopment in our country. And, finally, the writing intends to reveal the national reality and subject it to critical scrutiny with Guatemalan society.


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Author Biography

Erick Iván de León de León, Centro Universitario de San Marcos

He is a Guatemalan sociologist and political scientist. Coordinator of the Political Science career at the University Center of San Marcos. He develops teaching activities at the La Asunción Guatemala Seminary. Visiting professor-researcher of FLACSO academic headquarters Guatemala. He has published numerous investigations in the field of his specialty in national and international indexed journals.


Bautista, R. (2020) La pandemia como arma geopolítica. Resumen Latinoamericano 2020.

Foucault, M. (1975). Vigilar y Castigar: nacimiento de la prisión. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores Argentina.

Foucault, M. (1976). Defender la sociedad, trad. Horario Pons, Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Foucault, M. (1979). Nacimiento de la Biopolítica, trad. Horacio Pons, Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Poulantzas, N. (1973) Fascismo y dictadura, México, Siglo XXI.



How to Cite

de León de León, E. I. (2020). Seven Theses on Capitalism and the Coronavirus: A View from Guatemala. Revista De Investigación Proyección Científica, 2(1), 189–201.

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